With so few free moments in the day, stopping to evaluate how you manage your time can seem like a waste of it. We all have limited hours in the day. Many of us work full time jobs and fit our stork rental businesses around our set work hours.
Some of us are stay-at-home moms who may be contributing to the costs of raising children with stork rentals. Some of us are retirees looking to supplement our income for travel or money to spend on our grandchildren. No matter where you are in life, your experience is unique to you and the way you manage your time working on your business needs to be realistic to your situation in order to be worthwhile.
Based on a workshop I recently attended, I’d like to share some easy tips for managing time and reaching your goals.
1. Be honest with yourself. If you only have a couple of hours each day (or each week) to promote your business make your goals fit that time frame so you can accomplish them without feeling overwhelmed. Think about what you want to get out of your stork sign business and the amount of time you’re willing and able to dedicate to nuture that success. Be honest — there’s no wrong answer.
2. Strategize for success by outlining your vision. Your vision for success should stem from a realistic review of your business and the challenges you face in growing it. Where do you want your business to be in six months? Visualize where you want it to be and write it down.
Here is a real-life example shared recentlywith me by a partner:
3. Once you’ve pinpointed your vision, it’s time to plot your course to success. You can best reach your goal by taking a series of steps. And make a to-do list to help you accomplish them. It gives you instructions for seeing your vision fulfilled and allows you to keep track .
Still using our example above, the to-do list might look like this:
Once you have your goals on a to-do list attack them one bite at a time so you don’t become overwhelmed. And be sure to finish one step before you begin another. It will make it difficult to accomplish anything if you feel scattered between several ongoing steps. Make your time count. A lot of us have fallen into the social media abyss. It can be tricky to find a balance with no parameters in place. Consider whipping out a trusty egg timer so you can keep yourself on schedule. Give yourself 15-20 minutes to catch up with your social networking sites or update them with new photos or a blog post. That way you don’t lose an hour or more meandering through Pinterest or Facebook and suddenly find it’s time to take care of another obligation. At that point you’ve lost the time you set aside to grow your business.
Don’t become discouraged if time management seems difficult to accomplish. The speaker at the seminar said time-management gets better with practice. And I believe that’s true. I certainly haven’t mastered it but I’m working on it and I do see improvement. I’d really enjoy hearing about your time management tips. Please leave me a comment.