I’ve been in a running conversation with a couple who are considering becoming Stork Lady partners. Today they asked me why do I believe in the opportunity so much and what are the things I like most about the Stork Lady business opportunity? I thought it was a great question and decided to share my answer for others who may be considering this home business opportunity.
I believe in the Stork Lady opportunity today for the same reasons that drew me to it 11 years ago when I became a partner. It’s not a franchise which makes it extremely affordable get into. The return on the investment can be considerable year after year. And all the profits are yours to keep. The income earned from your own business can make such a difference in the life of your family. It has made a big difference over the past 11 years in my own. That fact alone is enough for me to believe in the business opportunity. And ultimately it was the biggest reason I chose to purchase the business from the original owner. I want to keep this opportunity in place and grow it for the benefit of all of our partners and their families.
A stork sign rental business is easy to own and operate because it’s not complicated. Our opportunity has proven steps in place for a partner to refer to in order to market and grow their business. There is a built-in support system among the partners and many years of experience and success to draw upon. And last, but not least, our product is made of the highest quality materials found on the market and has been proven for two decades and thousands of stork rentals. It’s also the cutest stork available on the market. We consistently hear that from people doing business with our partners.
The Stork Lady business opportunity fits well into any stage of life. It can be easily worked around any schedule. It’s a fun business. We work with people who are experiencing one of the happiest occasions of a lifetime, the birth of a baby. The excitement and joy of a birth is experienced by all family members and friends. It doesn’t matter who calls to rent the stork sign, the mood is contagious! My stork rental business has never felt like work, and I truly find pleasure in adding to a family’s happiness by surprising the new parents or grandparents with a stork in their yard.
For all these reasons and more, I’m sold on the Stork Lady business opportunity. Please contact us for further information at 210-601-7351 or through the contact form on our website www.storklady.com.
